Call for Papers, 2010 Meeting of the
Wesleyan Philosophical Society
Gift and Economy:
Ethics, Hospitality and the Market
Location: Azusa Pacific University, Azusa CA
Conference Date: March 4, 2010
Proposals Due Date: October 23, 2009
Politics and economics have their moorings in various perspectives on the morality of exchange. This conference seeks reflections on the possibility of a “gift,” and the relationship between ethics and economy.
First Vice-President Eric Severson and the Wesleyan Philosophical Society (WPS) now issue a Call for Papers for the 2010 annual conference. The conference will be held March 4, 2010 on the beautiful campus of Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, California. The WPS encourages submission of multi-disciplined papers including, but not limited to, the appearance of the conference themes in film, media and literature, art, politics, bio-ethics, gender studies, anthropology and sociology. We will consider submissions on other subjects as well, but priority will be given to those dealing with the selected theme.
- Is a “gift” truly possible, or is all giving bound by the economy of exchange?
- How does one speak of responsibility in the context of politics and economics?
- What is “friendship”? Can love, friendship and community transcend exchange?
- How does the study of history, or the philosophy of history, influence contemporary reflections on the morality of the market?
- How does the power of economy undermine attention to the plight of the environment?
- How does “grace” (or love, or compassion, or responsibility) relate to economy? Does “grace” interrupt economy, contribute to the function of economy, or operate in some other fashion?
- What are the philosophical relationships between violence, war and economy?
- How can ethical philosophy be attuned to those who are oppressed by economic forces? What sort of political philosophy best addresses the humanitarian perils of the market?
- How might philosophy and ethics address or critique the current global economic crisis?
- How are moral reflections on the economy influenced by gender bias, homophobia, racism, colonialism and nationalism?
- John Wesley struggled thoughtfully on behalf of the poor in an economy rife with greed and injustice. How might his reflections on money, economics and grace assist our contemporary reflections?
Please submit proposals of 250 words or less, the title of the abstract, along with name, position, and institutional affiliation (if applicable) to Brint Montgomery at [email protected] by October 23, 2009. The proposal should be sent as an email attachment in Microsoft Word format. Each proposal will undergo a double-blind peer review process.
The society will meet in conjunction with the Society of the Study of Psychology and Wesleyan Theology (SSPWT). Please check the WPS website updates for exact hotel and meeting site information at: The Wesleyan Theological Society will be holding its annual meeting at Azusa Pacific University, March 4-6, 2010.
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