Church in the Present Tense: A Candid Look at What's Emerging is a uniquely collaborative book in which several sympathetic scholars (in theology, biblical studies, and philosophy) take stock of the "emerging" conversation to date, with a consistent focus on issues of hermeneutics, epistemology, and worship. The collaborators and co-authors will be familiar to many involved in these conversations: Scot McKnight, Peter Rollins, and Jason Clark, all corralled by my colleague and fellow philosopher Kevin Corcoran who spearheaded the project.
To get a feel for the book, here's the Table of Contents:
Introduction: The Emerging Church--Kevin Corcoran
Part 1: Philosophy
1. Who's Afraid of Philosophical Realism? Taking Emerging Christianity to Task--Kevin Corcoran
2. The Worldly Theology of Emerging Christianity--Peter Rollins
Part 2: Theology
3. Consumer Liturgies and Their Corrosive Effects on Christian Identity--Jason Clark
4. Thy Kingdom Come (on Earth): An Emerging Eschatology--Kevin Corcoran
Part 3: Worship
5. The Renewal of Liturgy in the Emerging Church--Jason Clark
6. Transformance Art: Reconfiguring the Social Self--Peter Rollins
Part 4: Bible and Doctrine
7. Scripture in the Emerging Movement--Scot McKnight
8. Atonement and Gospel--Scot McKnight
In addition, the book comes with a DVD that features both videos of alternative worship in the UK and USA, as well as interviews with key figures, including Brian McClaren and Archbishop Rowan Williams (!).
Here at churchandpomo we're going to host some conversation about this book. Next week, David Fitch will post a critical review/engagement with the book; the following week we'll feature a reply from Tony Jones. And of course your comments are welcome all along the way. We'll hope to conclude with some response from Kevin Corcoran and/or other authors of the book.
Join the conversation next week, and invite your friends.
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